As I mention at Healer and Guide, I wrote the Canadian best-selling history of Douglas Lake Cattle Company, Cattle Ranch: The Story of the Douglas Lake Cattle Company, during the 1970s when I lived at Douglas Lake, Canada’s largest ranch, situated in the Nicola Valley of British Columbia.
The researching, interviewing, and writing of Cattle Ranch took me about eight years. It was published in North Vancouver by Douglas & McIntyre in 1979, just as I was heading off to live in Australia.
I always knew I would write another book; I just didn’t know when or what it would be about.
Thirty years after my first book was published, I was caught by the writing bug again, in 2009, just before getting really caught up in healing myself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, as I describe at Healer and Guide. The bug caught me gently at first, but then more strongly.
That second book has been available since September 2015: Trust the Mystery: Raising Self-Awareness through Questions, Quotes and Quantum Wisdom.
At the beginning of 2017, I published two ebooks on Amazon’s Kindle: the second edition of Trust the Mystery: Choosing to Engage with Life with Wonder, Awe, and Joy (note the enhanced subtitle) and Spiraling Self-Awareness: Personal Mission Revealed in 27 Days through Pythagorean Numerology’s Partnership with the 9-Chakra System.
I published three books in 2020: I self-published You’ve Written a Book: Next Steps in February. In June, I self-published EMPOWER Your Inner Author: You Can Write a Book. I wrote both these books to assist my clients, many of whom are first-time authors.
In June 2020, Heritage House published my book Legacy of Trees: Purposeful Wandering in Vancouver’s Stanley Park.
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Nina Shoroplova Professional Member of
Canadian Authors Association
Member of Federation of British Columbia Writers
Hello Ms Shoroplova
My wife and walked by your table this morning and looked at your book. I took your card and looked you up on your website. I was wondering if I could buy your book instead of giving the money to Amazon. I also notice one of your books a “Cattle Ranch” on the American Amazon but its not available on Canada’s Amazon.
If you have any copies of the “Cattle Ranch” I would enjoy it as your “The Legacy of Trees” If you would be inclined to meet me for an exchange of books for cash that would be great. Or if you prefer Mail me the two books (if you have one available of the Cattle Ranch) I could PayPal you the money plus postage.
I live at the end of Comox in the building called the White House.
Thank you for your time and it was a pleasure running into you today.
Scott F Shefford