John P. Culnane’s book Nine Lives and Counting was in the layout design stage before I started working with him as his proofreader. Proofreading presents its own set of hurdles and joys.
When you think of proofreading, your mind automatically presumes that some sophisticated form of software is scouring your manuscript for every conceivable error.
Not so with Nina Shoroplova: it’s all done solely with her brainpower. Nothing escapes the absolute scrutiny of Nina’s mastery of words and grammar. No machine can tell you whether your sentences make sense, even if they are grammatically correct —Nina, however, can suggest different wording to provide the reader with clarity, if needed.
As well as being a pleasure to work with, Nina is also a consummate professional who proofreads your manuscript in a short turn around time. If you expect the best in proofreading, then Nina trumps all the others who hang out their proofreading shingles.

This is a true story of tenacity and grit, a striking memoir about a man overcoming a difficult youth to discover adventure and danger abroad. He got a lot more than he bargained for. In the end, John P. Culnane’s life exceeded his wildest expectations.
Follow the extraordinary story of the US Army veteran, world traveler, and man of the world in a compelling and occasionally harrowing tale. Over the course of an eclectic career that included working as a soldier, a journalist, and a businessman, he faced down things nobody should experience: abuse, suicide, murder, business collapse, and even cancer. His hard-won wisdom, earned in the dangerous streets of war-torn Vietnam and 1960s Los Angeles and Miami helped him navigate challenge after challenge until he found a life of success, travel, and love.
I asked John, “What’s next?”
Here’s his answer: “When I can resume traveling, I will start my second book. At the young age of 79, I’m not thinking too much about tours or podcasts. To me, it’s more about a legacy and leaving my footprint behind.”
Well done, John.