Knowing I wanted to revise the first edition of
Trust the Mystery and bring it out as an ebook, I signed up this year for D’vorah Lansky’s Behind-the-Scenes Virtual Book Tour training in October and followed her eight-week program with admiration. D’vorah is a wizard at the various technologies required to create and promote books that are self-published.
Check out her Author Central page on Amazon. Using GoToMeeting software, she showed us the back end of several of her WordPress websites, her InDesign program, and all her techniques for creating a successful virtual book tour.
This week, D’vorah featured me in the Virtual Book Tour Hall of Fame for her Reach More Readers Community and Learning Center. Her requirements for me to be featured were having the following: a Facebook Author Page, a Blog, an Author Page on Amazon, a link to one of my Guest Blog Posts, my Virtual Book Tour Schedule Page, and a Link to an Interview. And thanks to the rigour of her weekly training, I was able to comply!
Check out my entry in her Hall of Fame.
For the link to one of my Guest Blog Posts, I sent her a link to the post on Marilyn R. Wilson’s olio by Marilyn blog.
For the Link to an Interview, I sent her a link to Podcast Episode 104 with Communication Diva Jennifer Swanson: “Raising Your Self-Awareness Breath by Breath: One Day at a Time.”
In preparation for that podcast, I thought of thirteen (one of my favourite numbers) ways to raise self-awareness. Afterwards, I realized I could find many more ways and I realized how Pythagorean Numerology and the 9-chakra system could partner with each other to raise self-awareness exponentially. And from that realization, Spiraling Self-Awareness: Personal Mission Revealed in 27 Days through Pythagorean Numerology’s Partnership with the 9-Chakra System was born. No energy is ever wasted.
If you’re a writer wanting to self-publish, find a program that suits your needs. There are tons of them out there.