Category Archives: Stanley Park

Legacy of Trees receives an Honourable Mention award

See the smart new sticker in the top left corner of the cover of my book, Legacy of Trees: Purposeful Wandering in Vancouver’s Stanley Park? Last night, my story of the trees of Stanley Park received an Honourable Mention in the 2020 British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Historical Writing Awards. What a delight.

This Honourable Mention award was announced at the BC Historical Federation’s Gala last evening, June 5, an online event. People wore party hats, sported images of fireworks behind read more

Canada’s History Magazine Features Legacy of Trees

The April/May 2021 issue of Canada’s History features a description of Legacy of Trees on page 61 in the book section. This magazine began life a hundred years ago as The Beaver: A Journal of Progress. It is created by Canada’s History Society and supported by the Hudson’s Bay Company History Foundation.

The half page on Legacy of Trees is titled “Vibrant Forest” and displays two black-and-white photographs from Stanley Park’s early days: the one is read more

Creating a Cherry Blossom Walk and Talk

I met up with Keith Blackmore and Kuni Iwato beside a row of young, blooming Prunus ‘Akebono’ trees on Lagoon Drive, south of Stanley Park, early on Thursday, April 8. We had a four-location agenda to film cherry blossoms that morning.

Prunus ‘Akebono’ blooming on Lagoon Drive

It all began this way. Wendy Cutler, Cherry Scout Coordinator with the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival (VCBF), emailed me with a question. “Do you want to be filmed doing a Stanley Park cherry walk?” She provided more details about Keith–he’s read more

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Begins

First Report, Nina Shoroplova, Cherry Scout for Stanley Park

Tuesday, April 2, 2020, is the first day of the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. The pale pink of ‘Akebono’, the brighter pink of ‘Accolade’, and the white of ‘Snow Goose’ provide the colours of the day, as every cherry scout knows full well. Keeping their physical distance from others, cherry scouts armed with their cameras are venturing out on their daily walks into their neighbourhoods, along their boulevards, and through read more