Category Archives: Embodying Seven Spiritual Energies

The Synopsis of ESSE

As you may already know, I’m sending a proposal for my third book out to traditional publishers to find the right fit. I’d like to share its synopsis with you.

Synopsis of
Embodying Seven Spiritual Energies:
Practical Ways to Live with Love, Peace, Curiosity, Humility,
Courage, Joy, and Grace, Even at Death

Each of us chooses to incarnate on Earth to learn again that we are divine in the face of the challenges such a life presents. The hardest challenges are the deaths of loved ones. Frequently such deaths find us unprepared and cause us to derail from our path.

Shoroplova proposes an approach that prepares us ahead of time so that we can weather our storms with less chaos and heartache and more equanimity. This preparation helps us see read more

Waiting to Hear from DeVorss & Company

So, I searched around on DeVorss & Company’s website and in the process found their Author Submission Guidelines. I was delighted to see that they do accept unsolicited manuscripts from authors as well as from agents and right away I emailed them the book proposal for my next book, Embodying Seven Spiritual Energies. I’ll keep you posted on their response. Please cross your fingers for me.

The Dreaded Rejection Slip

The very day that I had almost given up on hearing from Llewellyn about my book proposal and I was getting ready to phone them and inquire about it, I received the dreaded rejection slip in an email. It was polite and short. Two dreaded indicators. And sent by someone who briefly said, “Thank you for your submission to Llewellyn Worldwide.”

I opened the attached letter and there was the decision: No.

They had written it very politely to “Dear Author”—that’s encouraging.

Dear Author,

Thank read more

It’s a red letter day!

It’s a red letter day! I’ve just sent off a book proposal for my third book to Llewellyn‘s! Trust the Mystery: Questions, Quotes, and Quantum Wisdom describes stage one of the spiritual path; this book—my third—describes stage two.

I have quite a few books published by Llewellyn on my bookshelves. I expect you do, too. I like the genres they specialize in: Astrology, Tarot, Health and Healing, Psychic, Paranormal, Self-Help, read more