Category Archives: Alternative Healing Modalities
The Kindness of Strangers
I believe we’re all doing our best with the information, skills, and resources we have on hand. Deepak Chopra says that the universal rule of creation governing this is “Physical laws operate efficiently, with least effort” and the personal equivalent is “At any given moment, the universe is giving you the best results possible” (The Book of Secrets, Copyright (c) 2004 by Deepak Chopra, page 104). I’ve been thinking about that today.
Yesterday, my husband and
Right Now is a Wonderful Time to Move your Goals Forward
According to Astro-Numerologist Tania Gabrielle, from Jan 30 for the next 19 days until Feb 17 is a wonderful time to move your goals forward, because all the planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto – are moving forward.
Read Gabrielle’s blogpost about this phenomenal opportunity here.
Cooking with Residual Heat
That’s what cooking potatoes in the dying embers of a bonfire is – cooking with residual heat. Thanks to my daughter – because she’s the one I saw using this method with her porridge – I’m now cooking a number of dishes with residual heat and saving electricity dollars in the process.
Porridge, my favourite breakfast dish, responds wonderfully to residual heat. Here’s the process. A day before, soak however much steel-cut oats you need in water to cover.
Quinoa always strikes me as such a perfect grain, basically a superfood. This South American native staple contains a balanced set of essential amino acids and essential minerals for humans, low fat, plus vitamins A, B, and E. What more could you ask for, from one tiny grain? No wonder that Andeans have been growing and eating it for 6000 years.
If you buy quinoa from a bulk bin on the same day you buy millet or amaranth or any of the other tiny seed grains, be sure to label it! Or, when you get
Hellmann’s Local Food Finder
The Hellman’s Real Food Movement site has a great search engine to find local food, wherever you live in Canada. I started looking at this site because I watched the video linked to the word Hellmans here: Hellmanns. Click on it to view the video.
I did a search for Vancouver and retrieved this list:
Donalds Market
2400 block East Hastings
Naniamo and Hastings street
Vancouver, BC
East End Food Co-op
1034 Commercial Drive
Commercial Drive & Napier Street
Vancouver, BC
Happy New Year
Everything’s new again, including you and me. Happy New Year in 2012. May you receive all you expect for yourself.
As I look forward to the year ahead, I am also appreciating my own growth in 2011, especially through the new work I am doing as a holistic healer. This past year has been very exciting.
My many clients have been very special to me, because they have invited me/allowed me to know who they are at soul level, entrusting me to carry out an