Perfect Ecstasy

I recently read Howard Storm‘s My Descent Into Death: What Happens When We Die (© 2005 Howard Storm, published Doubleday March 2005), having read a brief synopsis of his story in Lessons from the Light by Kenneth Ring and a longer synopsis in Roy Abraham Varghese’s  There Is Life After Death: Compelling Reports from Those Who Have Glimpsed the Afterlife. I quote a passage from Storm’s book that likens the whole of creation to a symphony and likens all of us souls who are in it to being the instruments in a heavenly orchestra.

The universe exists because it is the activity of God and the heavenly multitude. It was explained to me [when he was going through his near-death experience] that it is like a vast orchestra and God is the conductor. Each individual is an instrument with unique qualities. Each soul contributes in their unique way to the symphony of creation. There is no past or future in the symphony, only present. The universe and all that is in it is the music. We are the songs sung by heaven. Outside of this symphony of life there is no time, space, matter, or energy. Within the heavenly orchestra are all time, space, matter, and energy. Our ultimate destiny is to participate with God in creation. The instrument we play is our being perfectly connected to God by the bone of love. We know our part in the symphony because we have understood who we are and contribute our experience, our whole being, our spirit into the process.

No one makes a mistake. That is why the preparation is so extensive and arduous. Everyone is perfect because they are perfectly connected to the conductor. It is no coincidence that music is called the universal language and used as a form of worship. All of God’s children have a place in the choir. The heavenly host resides around God in adoration, actively giving praise by giving one’s whole self to God.

This is perfect ecstasy.

This sentence – We know our part in the symphony because we have understood who we are and contribute our experience, our whole being, our spirit into the process. – makes tremendous sense to me, because that is what the purpose of our life is. I help fellow instrumentalists in this vast orchestra to retune their instruments through my healing modality – Whole Health on Purpose.

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