The Short Version
I’ve always had two strong desires: to know more about myself and to be of service to others. I’ve been acting upon those desires for many years. Recently, I realized that, as I have recovered from a number of life-threatening diseases myself, I have skills as a healer. Based upon that knowledge, I recognized that I would be able to offer healing to others. By training in the areas of physiotherapy, holistic nutrition, health products, Soul Realignment, Reiki, and Spiritual Counseling, I continue to heal myself and I have learned how to help others heal themselves.
The Long Version
I would like to tell you a bit about myself. I feel that if you know a few things about how my life has gone and how my previous entrepreneurship of Whole Health on Purpose helped me, then you may start to realize how living on purpose can help you.
I know that I’m here to learn and to be of service by sharing who I am and what I learn.
The greatest thing I’ve learned so far in my life is that I know I am a spiritual being living in a healthy physical body moving along a path that I set myself when I was in a different state of consciousness from the one I inhabit now. I consider gaining this knowledge to be my greatest accomplishment.
Three Themes
Let me tell you why I pursued this accomplishment, why I consider it my greatest achievement, and how I got here by weaving three themes of my life together. These three themes are
- my desire and search for self-knowledge as a way to understand myself and thereby the world;
My Desire and Search for Self-Knowledge
One of the reasons I always wanted to know more about myself was because I didn’t always understand myself. Sometimes, I reacted to things differently from the way others would react and I didn’t know why I felt so different. Sometimes, I didn’t get along with people whom I really wanted to get along with. Some of my relationships weren’t as good as I thought they could be. I cared about some things that others didn’t care about at all and found the reverse was also true. I thought if I knew myself better, then by inference, I would understand others better. And I wanted to know more about who Nina is.
I have been journeying toward this self-knowledge for decades. When I was a girl, this journey took the form of filling in the magazine questionnaires that said, “answer these 20 questions and you’ll know your IQ” or, “answer these 15 questions and you’ll know more about how others see you.” In the interest of gaining self-knowledge through learning, I learned how to hypnotize my fellow students and be hypnotized by them when I was a physiotherapy student. Later, I had my seasonal colours analyzed. I read a great book that helped me work out my Ayurveda dosha. I trained at Reiki Level I and gave treatments to friends.
Along the way, I tried more esoteric methods of uncovering self-knowledge. I journaled about my dreams in my late teens. I got various readings along the way: a psychometric reading, several palm readings, astrology chart readings, tarot card readings, a coloured-goblet reading, and aura readings. I practised transcendental meditation, did yoga, and took the first level of Three-in-One concepts. I learned about neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom technique, and face reading from several perspectives. Wanting to be of help to others, I became adept at some of these myself, sharing my new-found wisdom with family members and friends. I studied astrology and became quite good at assembling birth charts; I gave tarot card and I Ching readings.
Healing Myself and Helping Others Heal Themselves
Let me jump now to how my life was constantly swinging between my own changing health (experiencing dis-eases and regaining my health) and helping others to heal. This is the second theme in my life. As a girl, I recovered from several diseases including meningitis. Then I trained and worked as a physiotherapist. In fact, that profession was my meal ticket from Wales via England to Canada. I worked in several hospitals, enjoying the way I could help others get better.
Newly married, a very creative phase of my life then began: I gave birth and began raising four children (two Canadians and two Australian/Canadians), and I wrote a best-selling history of Douglas Lake Cattle Company, Canada’s largest cattle ranch: Cattle Ranch: The Story of the Douglas Lake Cattle Company.
Even while I was in the middle of that creativity, my health took another swing. One by one, over the next couple of decades, I experienced and survived three more serious diseases and a number of minor ones. The strange thing was that, even though my doctors confirmed I had such-and-such a serious disease, I knew at my core I was fit and well. I somehow knew that the dis-ease was just a passing phase.
Connecting the Dots Between Physical Health and Spiritual Health
It was at about this time, as I recovered yet again, that I realised that there must be a purpose to all these illness-and-recovery cycles, and that perhaps I am here to be of service to others, to help others to heal, whether that is physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. At this point, in fact as an offshoot of realizing that there is a purpose to my still being alive, I started to connect consciously with myself as a spiritual being. That process became part of my recovery. I stood back from the minutiae of my daily life and recognized the importance of the mystical experiences, the synchronicities, coincidences, and knowings I had experienced.
These events comprise the third theme in my life and I have now written about some of them in my upcoming book, Trust the Mystery: Questions, Quotes, and Quantum Wisdom. I saw the patterns of my life as being the cause of where I was and I realized the only way to get better was to change those patterns, influences, and habits, and to live my life from a different place altogether. I started to see myself as a spiritual being living in a physical body rather than as a human being with a spirit.
Continuing the Search
When an opportunity came along to dream about what I might like to do with the next part of my life, I grabbed at it. That’s when I started helping others with healing from a range of aspects. Working as a physiotherapist in England and Canada had been my first foray into healing. My first venture this second time around was to create an online business selling natural health and natural body products, to help people remove chemicals from their cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, home cleaning products, and so on. I also offered high quality multivitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fish oils, herbs, and teas for sale to improve their physical health.
Combining my search for self-knowledge with improving my health and offering health to others, I started taking nutrition courses in 2007. These built upon some nutrition courses I’d taken at SFU in the 1990s. Next, I enrolled at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist™, enabling me to help people rebalance their health by improving their nutrition. Even during my year of training, I moved into a much greater abundance of health for myself. And working with clients on their nutritional knowledge helped them improve their health, but I wanted to offer them more.
Intuition ~ That’s What I Want to Work With!
By now, I knew I was on the right track, but I was still thirsting for something more. Another piece of the puzzle was missing. It was during my nutrition training that one of the students talked about a particular healing modality that she said would increase my intuition. And I thought, “Yes, that’s what I want! I want to increase my intuition!”
“Psychic” has never been a word that has resonated for me: it has too many negative vibes. But “intuition”: that’s great! The little I knew about intuition was that it’s close to gut instinct, but it’s stronger and more controllable. With joy and anticipatory excitement, I started down this path of growing my intuition and it has been fantastic. The modality through which I have grown and honed my intuition is Soul Realignment™, developed by Andrrea Hess.
Creating Whole Health on Purpose Using My Intuition
As a Soul Realignment Practitioner™ and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist™, I then used my intuition to create the healing modality Whole Health on Purpose that utilizes these two plus additional alternative healing modalities that I’ve learned from my own journey of self-discovery and healing. For a number of years, I worked as a holistic healer using various techniques that worked at both the energetic and the physical levels to help my clients heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is deeply integrated health in body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
Self-Knowledge at a Soul Level
The other thing that Whole Health on Purpose did for me is answer the question, “Who am I?” It brought me back to that original place of wanting more self-knowledge, in the deepest possible way. I now know who I am at soul level. I now know why I respond in one way rather than another. When I have a deep desire to do something, it makes sense; that desire lines up with who I am. And I understand when a certain thing excites me, it’s because my soul resonates with that and wants more of it. Through the Soul Realignment™ aspect of my Whole Health on Purpose work, I learned so much more about myself. I understand my challenges, gifts, my way of looking at the world. The way I want to experience life now makes complete sense.
The self-knowledge I describe includes knowing that the way I experience my life is quite different from the way you experience yours. I now know I am here to express myself in a different way from the way you express yourself. I know my challenges are not the same as yours; your gifts are different from mine. You living your life and me living my life are as different as though I were playing the card game of Hearts with you while you were playing badminton in return; as though I were watching a horse race, but you saw it as a view from the moon. As different as chalk from cheese, apples from pears, chalk from pairs. This knowledge of our differences makes me far more accepting of everyone.
As an aside, I now know that it’s quite absurd for us to judge anyone else, to be critical of anyone else. We’re playing different games, measuring our lives with different yardsticks; we’re here to experience dissimilar emotions, to express ourselves uniquely, through our own free will. Only we, or better yet our Higher Selves, will know whether we are being who we set out to be, doing what we set out to do. Others cannot know that about us. We cannot know that about them. Until we align with our Higher Self, it’s impossible even to know that about ourselves. This even makes self-criticism quite pointless.
Each of us is unique and we are each here as aspects of an interconnected matrix of spiritual beings experiencing ourselves as human on this beautiful and challenging physical planet we call Earth. What I do affects you and what you do affects me. And I have free will. And so, at the same time as I am affected by how you live your life, my life is a reflection of what I feel, think, believe, do, and experience; my life is my own creation; I create my life.
I describe the next part of my life at My Books.
Nina Shoroplova
Reading about you has inspired me, your questions, searches, inspirations and more, touch me deeply, I feel I am on that path too….I want to learn from you.
Hi Nina, so ‘one-derful’ to read about your life, your spiritual development, and the wisdom of your self-realization. We strive to achieve so much in our lives, but our destination is the journey itself isn’t it?
It’s amazing that once we become aware of our own truth, a life of service beckons, creativity increases, and our purpose is more defined.
May you continue to experience good health and peace and love and joy during this sojourn! God bless, David Knight